Tuition and Fees
Did you know that anyone can join our school? 

The tuition chart below has drastically reduced cost for non-Zion families by placing 80+% of the tuition cost upon our congregation's offering donors. The faculty at Zion thanks those members who have made our school viable since 1983!
* tuition paid through online payment company


MAX tuition rate (2+ students in K-8)

First Child (student in K-8)

Second child (K-8)

Preschool rate






2022-23 rates





2023-24 rates





2024-25 rates





2025-26 rates





2026-27 rates





2027-28 rates





2028-29 rates





 To find a list of nearby churches with whom we are partnered with, please follow this hyperlink directing you to our synod’s website.
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